Post by ross on Jul 21, 2012 20:03:21 GMT -6
You think on it. [/center] AA: Not as much as I'd like. AA: Couple days, maybe. AA: Little under a week? AA: Fuck, I don't know. AA: I never assumed the treatment would stop.
Post by venndiegram on Jul 21, 2012 20:14:16 GMT -6
==> VC: apply formidable knowledge base
You DO.
Boy cryptozoology is a weird field that leads to a BIZARRELY DIVERSE SKILLSET. [/center] VENN: well VENN: not to speak out of turn or anyth!ng, but you're look!ng fa!rly mascul!ne r!ght now VENN: hell, you're buffer than ! am VENN: so !'m presum!ng you're fa!rly well-advanced through the stages of your treatment VENN: and at th!s po!nt the treatments are really more about f!nal!z!ng the effects VENN: so ! th!nk we can conf!dently est!mate that before your body sh!fts drast!cally to the fem!n!ne VENN: there w!ll at least be a per!od where !t s!mply becomes less mascul!ne by sl!ght degrees VENN: know!ng what ! do about hormonal systems !'d say there SHOULD BE A PER!OD VENN: of, maybe, f!ve days to a week before there's any terr!bly not!ceable regress!on VENN: !f you really were on the cusp of need!ng another treatment VENN: of course !'ve mostly stud!ed hormonal changes !n b!zarre an!mals, but ! th!nk the general pr!nc!ple appl!es to people as well VENN: anyway, after that ! th!nk you'd start to see some decl!ne VENN: probably a decrease !n muscle mass, maybe some t!mbre !n your vo!ce, perhaps some emot!onal !mbalance VENN: but noth!ng too severe for a l!ttle wh!le VENN: man thank god ! watched spl!ce VENN: and got all those !deas about research!ng hormonal !mbalances !n potent!al cryp!tds, or !'d be completely out to sea VENN: anyway VENN: ! th!nk we should have a n!ce buffer per!od VENN: no, what !'m more worr!ed about, rather than !mmed!ate fem!n!zat!on, !s adverse health effects from a sudden hormonal !mbalance VENN: ! th!nk the most sens!ble th!ng to do !s to try and use an alchem!ter to alchem!ze the treatment you need VENN: though how we'd go about mak!ng someth!ng so spec!f!c ! have no !dea VENN: !'ll need a l!ttle t!me to f!gure !t out VENN: maybe cory ... !f !t doesn't break any of her rules, !'m sure she could help VENN: normally ! wouldn't ask someth!ng l!ke that of her, but ! th!nk she'd understand, !f !t was for your health and peace of m!nd VENN: we're gonna work on th!s ross VENN: ! don't know what !t's l!ke to feel l!ke your body should be someth!ng !t !sn't VENN: but ! do know what !t's l!ke to feel out of place VENN: we're gonna get through th!s man VENN: ! prom!se
Post by ross on Jul 26, 2012 11:12:18 GMT -6
You curl up in on yourself. [/center] AA: I hate this fucking game. AA: So much. AA: Everything is falling apart. AA: I was holding everything in balance. AA: Dancing on the bleeding fucking edge of the complete fucking disaster my life's been since day one. AA: And now I'm falling off and taking everything with me. AA: I shouldn't be here, Venn. AA: I should be dead. AA: You could be talking to someone else right now. AA: Someone better.
Post by venndiegram on Jul 26, 2012 14:56:12 GMT -6
==> VC: knock sense
You are so willing to knock sense that you ALMOST LITERALLY PUNCH YOUR FRIEND.
But that would be stupid, and besides, you'd never hurt a friend. Not even if they were being a stupid butt. [/center] VENN: when we fall VENN: !t's up to our fr!ends to pull us back up VENN: and there !s no one !'d rather have here than you VENN: !f you need a l!ttle help VENN: that's f!ne VENN: ! don't m!nd VENN: and there !s no one ! can th!nk of who !s better than you VENN: no one !'d rather have here VENN: you shouldn't be dead VENN: there's no reason for you to d!e VENN: there was no reason for anyone else to d!e e!ther VENN: but !t happened VENN: and you th!nk!ng that anyone else should be here more than you won't br!ng them back VENN: you cannot measure people !n cups, ross VENN: !nclud!ng yourself