Post by venndiegram on Jul 4, 2012 12:14:29 GMT -6
-- vociferousCryptid [VC] began pestering amorousApocalypt AA at 00:00 --
Post by ross on Jul 4, 2012 12:26:54 GMT -6
AA: Hey, Venn. AA: Good to hear from you, man. AA: How have you been?
Post by venndiegram on Jul 4, 2012 12:29:12 GMT -6
VC: how have ! been VC: how have ! VC: BEEN VC: you DO NOT KNOW THE DEPTHS YOU PLUMB VC: W!TH THAT SEEM!NGLY !NNOCUOUS QUEST!ON VC: but !t's cool ! do VC: know, that !s VC: the depths VC: THE DEPTHS VC: anyway man ! have been VC: super-great VC: !'m dat!ng cory now! VC: wh!ch !s pretty fantast!c VC: also VC: ! surv!ved a meteor attack VC: wh!ch !s nearly as cool
Post by ross on Jul 4, 2012 12:35:49 GMT -6
AA: Really? AA: Congratulations, man! AA: On both of those things. AA: But mostly the dating thing. I'm guessing the meteor thing means you're playing the game too. Cali's been filling me in. AA: What's it like? How did it happen?
Post by venndiegram on Jul 4, 2012 12:37:35 GMT -6
VC: well um VC: oh man th!s !s awkward VC: ! can't exactly VC: fully d!sclose the deets VC: cory's trust!n' me w!th some VC: uh VC: ! guess you could call them pr!vate deta!ls VC: but honestly ! more or just real!zed that !f ! WAS gonna date someone VC: !'d want !t to be her VC: so ! told her VC: !t was pretty easy, actually, cory's great
Post by ross on Jul 4, 2012 12:42:02 GMT -6
AA: I can respect that. I won't push you on it. AA: I'm really happy for you, bro. AA: "And with a great voice he said: When love beckons to you, follow him."
Post by venndiegram on Jul 4, 2012 12:46:45 GMT -6
VC: haha thanks man VC: ! KNEW YOU'D BE COOL VC: and yeah that great vo!ce was l!ke VC: 'dude awesome p!nk lady' VC: to wh!ch ! repl!ed VC: 'huh yeah she's pretty great' VC: anyway VC: the deta!ls of my own l!fe as!de VC: how've you been buddy? VC: !t's been too long s!nce we've talked =)
Post by ross on Jul 4, 2012 12:49:20 GMT -6
AA: I'm fine. AA: It's good to see that you're still as happy as always.
Post by venndiegram on Jul 4, 2012 12:51:26 GMT -6
VC: yes yes ! am as constant and terr!ble as the sun VC: but ! have just SP!LLED DEETS VC: whereas you have prov!ded a PALTRY OFFER!NG VC: to the tune of VC: '!'m f!ne venn' VC: 'nope that's !t' VC: 'just f!ne' VC: 'that's all' VC: 'just f!ne' VC: 'the complex!ty of the human organ!sm !s reduced to whether or not !t !s f!ne' VC: 'that !s the sound of my !nner-most turn!ngs' VC: DEETS, MAN VC: DEETS
Post by ross on Jul 4, 2012 12:55:51 GMT -6
AA: But it's the truth. You asked me how I am and I'm just fine. I've been fine and I am fine. What else do you need to know?
Post by venndiegram on Jul 4, 2012 12:57:06 GMT -6
VC: the more VC: !NT!MATE DETA!LS VC: c'mon someth!ng !nterest!ng or worthwh!le must've happened recently VC: ! mean dude, the world's end!ng! VC: how are you and your s!ster handl!ng th!ngs?
Post by ross on Jul 4, 2012 13:07:05 GMT -6
AA: We're handling things fine. AA: Cael's kind of been too busy with her new girlfriend for me to get to tell her the world is ending. AA: I'm not sure telling her is even such a good idea. AA: Though she'll probably find out soon enough. I think she reads my chat logs. That woman knows way more than she should, even if she did raise me. AA: Nothing special has been going on in my own life, really. AA: My paladin leveled, if that interests you.
Post by venndiegram on Jul 4, 2012 13:08:40 GMT -6
VC: !t does !nterest me! VC: how's DND go!ng? VC: you cannot keep me away forever VC: no one can =)
Post by ross on Jul 4, 2012 13:25:40 GMT -6
AA: You'd be surprised. You haven't figured out my dark and horrible secret so far. AA: The game is going fine. AA: Hah. AA: But really, it's going great. We bound an archfiend to do our bidding, and when we were done with it, Othello stepped into the binding circle and offered it a chance to win its freedom and his soul in a duel. AA: He won, of course. It was close, but he struck down the archfiend and bound its soul to his blessed sword. AA: Then he threw the sword back through the gate. AA: The two conflicting powers in the sword made an explosion that I'm sure was quite spectacular. AA: And that's how he made it to level seventeen. AA: It's a good thing we closed that arc of the plot. AA: I'd have hated for the world to end on a cliffhanger.
Post by venndiegram on Jul 4, 2012 13:36:57 GMT -6
VC: HORR!BLE SECRET YOU SAY VC: HOW VERY VC: CRYPT!C VC: /suggest!ve sm!le eyebrow w!ggle VC: that's actually pretty cool VC: somet!mes ! regret that ! am so VC: F!RMLY ENMESHED !N MY STUD!ES VC: BUT WHO WOULD CHRON!CLE THE COMPLEX H!STOR!ES OF CREATURES THAT DON'T EX!ST W!THOUT ME VC: WHO, ! ASK YOU VC: DR. FRED CALLOWAY? VC: NOT FUCK!N' L!KELY VC: fuck!n' hack VC: well ! th!nk you should be f!ne VC: !t seems l!ke those of us !n the game escape the meteor's !re