Post by ross on Jul 5, 2012 19:17:16 GMT -6
AA: That, or there's nothing to see.
Post by venndiegram on Jul 5, 2012 19:21:43 GMT -6
VC: ross VC: ! am L!TERALLY an expert on the matter of whether or not there !s anyth!ng to see VC: and ! guarantee you VC: there !s so much to see !n you
Post by ross on Jul 5, 2012 19:26:43 GMT -6
AA: The universe disagrees.
Post by venndiegram on Jul 5, 2012 19:27:17 GMT -6
VC: the un!verse d!sagrees w!th me at !ts per!l
Post by ross on Jul 5, 2012 19:28:47 GMT -6
AA: Well, you should take that up with the universe, not me.
Post by venndiegram on Jul 5, 2012 19:30:05 GMT -6
VC: ! don't care about the un!verse VC: ! care about YOU, ross VC: because we are FR!ENDS VC: now stop fuck!ng deflect!ng VC: you're a br!ght guy but when !t comes to argument you're a guppy that's happened !n the path of a k!ller whale here VC: !s !t not even SL!GHTLY POSS!BLE that your own self-d!agnos!s of your own fate !s not the SL!GHTEST b!t skewed?
Post by ross on Jul 5, 2012 19:35:30 GMT -6
AA: If it is, I'm not seeing it. AA: I'm only going off of past data here. AA: I can't stick to a hobby, my friends always leave me eventually, everything I make falls apart, and everything I commit to blows up in my face. AA: The one time I managed to ask a girl out without her laughing in my face ended with her getting hit by a fucking car.
Post by venndiegram on Jul 5, 2012 19:38:08 GMT -6
VC: ross VC: ! was put up for adopt!on when ! was born VC: !'ve been through seven dads VC: ! was mauled by a menager!e of jungle beasts just the other day VC: and ! spent most of my young l!fe d!gg!ng through ru!ns and !nvest!gat!ng rumours VC: alone VC: ! know a l!ttle of what !t's l!ke to be unlucky VC: but that doesn't mean you're cursed or whatever VC: how about th!s VC: the day that ! leave you VC: we can pos!t that perhaps there !s some v!ab!l!ty to your theory VC: unt!l that day VC: our fr!endsh!p !s hold!ng your theory hostage
Post by ross on Jul 5, 2012 20:47:28 GMT -6
AA: Shit. AA: I'm sorry, Venn. AA: You don't need me piling my problems on yours.
Post by venndiegram on Jul 6, 2012 16:14:25 GMT -6
VC: yes ! do VC: and even !f ! don't, that's !rrelevant VC: ! am tak!ng your problems and p!l!ng them on top of m!ne VC: that !s what fr!ends do VC: you p!le problems and you hug !t out VC: now don't g!ve me any more of th!s defeat!st sh!t or ! swear to god ! w!ll wr!te a fuck!ng treat!se on the ways ! w!ll rhetor!cally whup your ass VC: ! want you to say '! am ross, and ross !s a pretty cool guy'
Post by ross on Jul 6, 2012 19:35:15 GMT -6
AA: '! am ross, and ross !s a pretty cool guy' AA: Happy?
Post by venndiegram on Jul 6, 2012 19:37:39 GMT -6
VC: ross you are try!ng my pat!ence VC: and mak!ng fun of my typ!ng qu!rk VC: wh!ch ! have to adm!t ! never really had a good reason for do!ng but ! just l!ke exclamat!on po!nts okay VC: SAY !T !N VC: YOUR OWN WORDS VC: W!TH YOUR OWN VO!CE
Post by ross on Jul 6, 2012 19:42:57 GMT -6
AA: I am Ross. AA: And Ross is a pretty cool guy. AA: His best friend's an obnoxious bag of dicks, though. AA: But he loves him anyway.
Post by venndiegram on Jul 6, 2012 19:44:15 GMT -6
VC: that's better VC: ! was unaware ! was an ent!re BAG of d!cks, though VC: man maybe ! need to f!nd another few g!rlfr!ends VC: poor cory's gonna be run ragged VC: (! am jok!ng)
Post by ross on Jul 6, 2012 19:53:23 GMT -6
AA: Speaking of Cory. AA: I hear she doesn't exactly see relationships the way most people do?